SOS Digital


Research and product design


Role: Lead UX designer

Market: Asia-Pacific

Team: MING Labs Asia

Date: Aug 2022

Sustainable Office Solutions - SOS is a specialized asset management business that focuses on responsible reuse and redistribution of material assets, specifically old office furniture. They wanted to develop a digital platform to track assets and projects, with a goal of facilitating direct redistribution from the platform itself. The platform would centralize asset management, allowing SOS to efficiently monitor inventory, location, and availability. It would also streamline the redistribution process, providing clients with a user-friendly interface to browse and select available assets. This digital solution aligns with SOS's mission of promoting sustainable office practices.

I collaborated with MING Labs' business design and development teams throughout the project, from early-stage discovery to design handover. Together, we conducted research, defined features, and ensured smooth communication between design and development. This end-to-end involvement allowed for a cohesive workflow, resulting in a final product that met the client's requirements and delivered a seamless user experience.

SOS Digital Platform

Project timeline for the MVP development phase.

Mapping out SOS workflow and define product features

To gain a comprehensive understanding of SOS's project management and asset redistribution processes, we conducted interviews with various roles within the organization. These interviews were crucial in informing our design approach and identifying pain points that needed to be addressed. By engaging with different stakeholders, we aimed to gather insights into their workflow, challenges, and specific pain points at each stage. This user-centric approach allowed us to empathize with SOS's team members and develop a solution that effectively addressed their needs and solved their problems. By prioritizing a deep understanding of SOS's workflow and pain points, we were able to create a tailored and impactful solution that would streamline their processes and enhance their overall efficiency.

SOS Digital Platform
SOS Digital Platform

The MVP feature tree we defined based on client's needs and requirements.

Information architecture

To improve upon SOS's previous use of Excel sheets for data and asset documentation, we developed a new information architecture for the digital platform. The Excel structure lacked a clear hierarchy, so we established a logical and intuitive structure to organize assets, projects, and related data. This restructuring aimed to enhance usability and accessibility, enabling efficient management and tracking of assets. The new information architecture laid a solid foundation for the platform's development, improving user experience and overall productivity for SOS.

SOS Digital Platform

UI design language

As SOS had no previous experience in building digital products, we developed a UI design language based on their brand guidelines. Their existing website style wasn't suitable, so we created a new design approach. This language ensured consistency and reflected their brand identity, resulting in a visually appealing and on-brand digital product.

SOS Digital PlatformSOS Digital Platform

Prototyping and usability test

Following the creation of the UI design language, we proceeded to build an interactive prototype to validate the design with users. The prototype was divided into various feature groups, allowing us to conduct tests with different personas. Through usability testing, we gained valuable insights into areas that needed improvement. Based on the findings, we iterated on the design, incorporating the necessary enhancements to address user feedback and optimize the user experience. This iterative process allowed us to refine the design and ensure that the final product met the needs and expectations of the users.

SOS Digital Platform

Design Production

Once the design was validated, we proceeded to create the remaining screens, design supportive features, and develop a component library. Following the Scrum methodology, we worked in parallel with the development team to efficiently deliver the MVP. Collaboration and clear communication ensured a cohesive user interface, while the component library facilitated consistency. This iterative and agile approach enabled us to seamlessly coordinate design and development for successful MVP delivery.

SOS Digital Platform

Today marks the completion of Phase 2 of the project. The SOS digital platform is now successfully utilized by multiple SOS clients for efficient office assets management. With the platform in place, SOS can easily redistribute the assets they collect from projects, streamlining the entire process. This achievement signifies a significant improvement in asset management and redistribution capabilities for SOS, benefiting both the company and its clients.

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